Brackenridge Park has long been a source of inspiration for artists seeking to capture its natural beauty. Among them, artist Helen Ferne Slimp (1890-1995) stands out for her remarkable ability to bring the Park's charm to life with oils...

Lt. Col. Harold Reich, known fondly as “Soupy,” said that Brackenridge Park was his home away from home, particularly in the summers...

Sarah Joe LeMessurier in 1938, age 3, is all dressed in Sunday best for a goat cart ride. She said that Depression era families could come to the park for a free outing...

Gerry Robinson, photo taken in 1938 at Lambert Beach, showing the children's swimming area. He is the younger boy next to his older brother. He lived near Incarnate Word growing up...

The First Supervised Recreation Program in San Antonio offered free donkey rides for children in Brackenridge Park...